Studies | HealthySole
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HealthySole® Clinical Studies

Current studies focusing on the HealthySole device.

Shoe Sole Contamination

The problem of shoes in healthcare facilities. These studies help prove the need for a product like HealthySole within any infectious control system.

Floor, Air, Surface, and Environmental Contamination

While we do our best to mitigate floor contamination, we have assumed the issue is less troubling than it truly is. These studies help illustrate how what is on the floor effects and contaminates many other aspects of the hospital environment.

Booties, Over-Shoes, and Dedicated Footwear

Studies and evidence focused around illustrating how shoe booties and other shoe covers can actually spread pathogens, not mitigate them them.

Aerosol, Reaerosolization, and Airborne

Resources on how pathogens will transmit through the air and rest on touch surfaces. What’s on the floor does not stay on the floor.

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